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What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is the accompanying of individuals through everyday human transitions in which extraordinary experiences of love, courage, and creativity have the opportunity to be born.  Margaret Guenther refers to it as a midwifery of the soul through gracious human interaction and hospitality.



The Spiritual Journey


The journey begins with a desire to live a deeper and more purposeful life. This requires the creation of an uncluttered, clean, and welcoming space within our hearts and minds. Through the use of spiritual practices, storytelling, reflection, healing touch or creative expression individuals begin the first steps on a path to a fuller and more meaningful life.


Spiritual Direction is often confused with counseling as it frequently uses a conversational interaction model used by many counselors.  However, it is important to understand that spiritual direction is not counseling.  1Corinthians 2:13 states, “This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words  taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words”  Using a conversational model it is difficult at times to differentiate between counseling and spiritual direction.  Therefore, I use the F.A.I.T.H. model. 


The session begins in prayer and then a focused theme is introduced.  This theme is found in scripture, poetry, music or other inspirational forms.  The Spiritual director will next introduce an activity that expands on the theme and usually includes an art-based project.  Using the project and theme to guide the discussion, the spiritual director will intentionally gather information about God’s presence in the daily experiences shared by the individual.  Theological reflection is used to explore ways to carry God’s presence into the world and lives of others.  Finally the session ends as each open their minds and hearts to God to experience God’s healing love.  Although the process is not always this linear, it does provide a boundary to work within and in which to grow.

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The Role of Spiritual Director 


Spiritual Direction is separate and distinct from other forms of counseling such as: pastoral counseling, psychotherapy, analysis, or healthcare counseling. It establishes a special relationship, which helps a person grow in their relationship with God through prayer and other spiritual practices.

Spiritual Direction is a prayerful, active rendering of a service of sensitivity, presence and support to another as they travel along their spiritual journey.  The role of the spiritual director is to assist in discerning the particular path God is leading the directee and to encourage the directee to faithfully follow that path.  




I completed Spiritual Direction Training at Mercy Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado and graduated from the Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas with a Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation.  I have been a Registered Nurse in the State of Texas for over 25 years and  have a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Texas at Austin, a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Texas Health Science at Houston, and a Master of Science in Congregational Nursing from Houston Baptist University.  I hold a certificate as both a parish nurse and parish nurse instructor.


Faith Background:


I was raised in the Church of Christ and was confirmed in the Episcopal Church as an adult.  I am the spouse of a United Methodist Pastor to whom I have been married over 30 years.




Spiritual direction is offered, most preferably, in-person but  is also available via Zoom.  For more information regarding  your needs, options and fees, please email me at




Pamela Castles, MA , MSN

Spiritual Director

A Little History 

While Spiritual Direction enjoys a long history in the Christian tradition, it appears to be experiencing a welcome resurgence in our era.  As early as the fourth century, Christians sought out the holy hermits in the deserts of Palestine, Syria and Egypt to learn how to live entirely for God.  Succeeding generations continued the search for reliable guides.  In each century, spiritual masters like Saint Catherine of Sienna, Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Saint John of the Cross, Saint Teresa of Avila, and Saint Francis de Sales, to name just a few, have guided this longing in Christian hearts for a personal relationships with God.  There remains today a relevance of the Christian mystical and spiritual tradition as a means whereby each person can explore, deepen and understand their unique journey toward God.





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